Wednesday, August 10, 2011

Excuse the Mess

now i remember why i dont like going to bed with a dirty house...last night i was exhausted {beings im sleeping like a new born with all the stress im under, waking up every few hours} and its starting to catch up with me. i cant possibly live on 5 hours of sleep a night anymore and thats no unenterrupted sleep. charlie wakes up once about 430 am for his nightly butt change and an two ounce bottle to get him back to sleep. but that would be fine if i wasnt awake every 2-3 hours for no reason AT ALL. So last night i said screw it and at midnight crawled into bed with my baby girl and eventually at 2am passed out (not for the whole night as usual). then i wake up this morning and there it is. THE DIRTY HOUSE! & i hate myself lol. because now instead of lounging on the couch for a litte while which is the norm i have to bust my ass and clean the house (living room and kitchen at least) especially because im packing little by little and it doesnt take much for this house to look like a tornado hit it. i clean through out the day because i have two children at home (savanna starts school as soon as we get to california) who both make their own messes (normally more savanna then charlie) so im cleaning cleaning cleaning (not finished...that happens at naptime) and then finally sit down and sit here and think of a little nick nack in my step moms bathroom that says "cleaning house while children are growing is like shoveling snow, while its still snowing" i'v seen the sign a million times and it always makes me smile but today i think i finally got it! MY HOUSE WILL NEVER BE CLEAN! EVER not spotless at least. especially not while im doing it on my own with an almost 5 year old and 10month old who is starting to get into EVERYTHING! so i give up! lol i will clean my house to the best of my ability no matter how many times a day it takes to keep it "looking nice" (dont judge a book by its cover) theres probably stuff shoved in random places you cant see lol. :)

"Excuse the Mess, my house doesn't always look this way. SOMETIMES ITS EVEN WORSE!"

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