Friday, August 05, 2011

Im a Sucker ;)

the average amount of time one should wait till they start dating ya OK?

how about if your ex was more than likely (98% sure he was) dating before he even left us. then what do i do. have i found someone that i am interested in? maybe. do i plan on pursuing it... probably not. will people look at me like your a hussy how can you move on so quickly? MORE THAN LIKELY YES! but here's the deal. he has made it soo easy for me to hate his stinking guts. lol he's showed his true colors and i see the man i married only in pictures...when i look at him now all i feel is irritation and disgust. sure i have my moments of weakness but they will probably always be there. i spent 6 years with a man that turned about being everything he promised he wasn't. so iv moved on. i don't want it to work and this sounds bad but not even for the sake of our children. its unhealthy for them and me. we are better off with out him. so back to my question...if i don't feel hurt anymore if i don't feel anything really is it OK for me to develop feelings for someone new (not new but this feeling is) with out it being considered rebound feelings by everyone that doesn't understand? should i even care what people think? not saying anything will actually happen for all i know he finds me annoying and repulsive or something lol.who knows. any way that just what was on my mind at this moment cause... "I'm a sucker for a guy in a cowboy hat" ;)

p.s not me in the picture but sooo true <3

1 comment:

Ashley Blum said...

i believe you have every right to be with who ever you want and as soon as you want! you deserve to be happy! and if you find a guy that is great to you and your babies then keep him :D life is too short to not have fun and be happy as much as possible!! ♥

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